Saturday, November 30, 2019

Righttop00 Colegio Mayor Nuestra Senora del Rosari Essays

righttop00 Colegio Mayor Nuestra Senora del Rosario Facultad de Jurisprudencia Criminologia Samuel Escobar Beltran Maria Daniella Ordonez Zambrano Mayo 17, 2017. La teoria del aprendizaje social propuesta por Albert Bandura se ha convertido en, quiza, la teoria mas influyente del aprendizaje y el desarrollo. A pesar de estar arraigada en varios de los conceptos basicos de la teoria del aprendizaje tradicional, Bandura creia que el refuerzo directo no podia explicar todos los tipos de aprendizaje, agregando asi un elemento social a su teoria, argumentando que las personas pueden aprender nuevos comportamientos observando a otras personas. Conocido como aprendizaje observacional (o modelado), esta teoria puede ser utilizada para explicar una amplia variedad de comportamientos. Como aprendemos los seres humanos? Los estimulos de refuerzo/castigo claramente condicionan nuestro comportamiento pero no solo respondemos a tales estimulos, tambien los interpretamos. Para ilustrar este principio, consideremos el ejemplo de un nino que recibe un beso cuando guarda sus juguetes; es probable que repita esta accion debido a la recompensa. Sin embargo, si el nino arroja su comida y posteriormente recibe un regano, el nino aprende que tal accion solo genera desaprobacion y modifica su comportamiento como consecuencia porque desea la aprobacion de su madre. Pero esto es solo una faceta del complejo proceso de aprendizaje. No existe una sola definicion de "aprendizaje social" pero las diversas descripciones que hay enfatizan la importancia del dialogo entre grupos para entender mejor los diferentes puntos de vista y desarrollar procesos de accion colectiva y reflexion a lo largo del tiempo. El aprendizaje social y el empoderamiento se basan entre si. El empoderamiento es el proceso de mejorar la capacidad de individuos o grupos para tomar decisiones y transformar esas elecciones en acciones y resultados deseados. El logro de tales resultados no es un proceso unico que se puede planificar y ejecutar externamente, como un campo o un taller, pero es un proceso social que se estructura desde las lineas de actividad, incluyendo la construccion de redes, el dialogo, la gestion del conocimiento y la evaluacion. Se puede acceder a la informacion sobre los diferentes ejes que apoyan el aprendizaje social a traves del indice de "aprendizaje social" de la izquierda. La evaluacion, debido al papel que juega en el fortalecimiento de todas las otras actividades y actividades, se amplia a su propio area tematica en el indice de navegacion. La capacidad social, las redes y la confianza que facilitan esta cooperacion para beneficio mutuo se denominan "capital social". Entre las teorias de aprendizaje actuales han surgido cuatro categorias principales: la conductista, la cognitivista, la humanista y la social. En particular, esta ultima incorpora muchos de los elementos necesarios para producir un sistema practico de cambio pero como toda teoria, esta compuesta de porciones de estudio previo y esta en constante evolucion, la teoria del aprendizaje social fue inicialmente influenciada por las otras tres categorias. Especialmente por las teorias conductistas, haciendo hincapie en lo que se aprende de los comportamientos observables, parecen crear una base para las teorias mas complejas encontradas en la teoria cognitiva social de Bandura, que incorpora las mejores partes de estas teorias en un plan superior para el ajuste conductual. Un debate que sigue generando controversia en muchas disciplinas cientificas es el tema de la herencia y la influencia que la genetica tiene sobre el caracter general de un ser humano. Tanto la comunidad cientifica como el ciudadano medio estan intrigados en cuanto a que determinantes determinan el caracter personal asi como el comportamiento individual. Hay varios factores que afectan el destino de un individuo ya traves de diversos estudios, explicaciones y modelos teoricos se hace muy evidente que un factor aislable es casi imposible de distinguir. Algunos teoricos argumentan que los fundamentos de la agresion son biologicos. Los factores biologicos que influyen en el comportamiento agresivo son las hormonas, las enfermedades fisiologicas y el temperamento. Las hormonas juegan un papel indirecto en la agresion humana. La interaccion con estimulos externos puede afectar el umbral del comportamiento agresivo. Algunos investigadores han concluido que los altos niveles de testosterona podrian ser el resultado de un comportamiento agresivo. En las mujeres, el sindrome de tension premenstrual se asocia con una serie de comportamientos agresivos, como el delito violento. Las personas con una enfermedad fisiologica

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Thomas More

Thomas More was a very devoted Catholic who was put on trial for treason in the 16th century, because he refused to acknowledge Henry VIII as the "ruler of the world, above everyone, including the Church" (Mansouri 04/04/00). He was declared guilty of reason, for which he was beheaded. However, twenty years before his death he wrote a novel titled "Utopia". The word "utopia" means a good, non-existent place. In other words, Thomas More wrote the novel "Utopia" to portray his idea of an ideal society that would never come into being. Thomas More's "Utopia" serves as a response to the ideal society depicted in Plato's "Republic", in which he further formulates Plato's most ingenious ideas. (Mansouri 04/04/00) Both Thomas More's "Utopia" and Plato's "Republic" contain a description of the perfect state concerning class structure, the role of education, and the nature of governing. However, they do so for different reasons. Thomas More wrote "Utopia" to form "the most civilized nation of the world" (Mansouri 04/04/00). Whereas Plato, who lived during a period of Humanism, wrote the "Republic" as a philosophical work. Plato was not interested in defining the perfect state; rather, he uses the state as a "large-scale picture of the soul", in his search for the perfect soul (Mansouri 04/04/00). The Utopian Society is "almost egalitarian" (Mansouri 04/04/00). However, Plato's Republic is a state of three classes that consist of a guardian class, an auxiliary class, and the masses of people. More focuses on Plato's guardian class in constructing the Utopian Society. The guardian class lives together in camps, sharing their property, and their earnings from the society as a whole. The guardian class is an egalitarian society, but only within the class. Although the Utopian Society is not entirely classless, it best resembles the guardian class. For in the Utopian Society everyone gets "plenty of everything that's needed for a ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Capitalism and Regressive Imperialism

Western undertaking that employs expansionist, mercantilist policies. 1] Lewis Samuel Feuer identifies two major subtypes of imperialism; the first is regressive imperialism identified with pure conquest, unequivocal exploitation, extermination or reductions of undesired peoples, and settlement of desired peoples into those territories, an example being Nazi Germany. 2] The second type identified by Feurer is progressive imperialism that is founded upon a cosmopolitan view of humanity, that promotes the spread of civilization to allegedly backward societies to elevate living standards and culture in conquered territories, and allowance of a conquered people to assimilate into the imperial society, examples being the Roman Empire and British Empire. [2] Imperialism always involves the massive export of capital to foreign countries for the purpose of exploiting and dominating both their labor forces and their markets. Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism, represents the stage at which a countrys consumers cannot buy all the products that have been produced, and additional markets must be sought after. The dominant feature of imperialism is the repatriation of invested capital. Cecil Rhodes: Cape-Cairo railway project. Founded the De Beers Mining Company and owned the British South Africa Company, which established Rhodesia for itself. He liked to paint the map British red, and declared: all of these stars hese vast worlds that remain out of reach. If I could, I would annex other planets. [3] The term as such primarily has been applied to Western political and economic dominance in the 19th and 20th centuries. Some writers, such as Edward Said, use the term more broadly to describe any system of domination and subordination organized with an imperial center and a periphery. According to the Marxist historian, Walter Rodney, imperialism meant capitalist expansion. It meant that European (and North American and Japanese) capitalists were forced by the internal logic of their competitive system to seek abroad in less developed countries opportunities to control raw material, to find markets, and to find profitable fields of investment. Its generally accepted that modern day colonialism is an expression of imperialism and cannot exist without the latter. The extent to which informal imperialism with no formal colonies is properly described as such remains a controversial topic among historians. [4]

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Critical reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Critical reflection - Essay Example Risk mitigation can be carried out through the optimal use of existing assets, contingency planning and through investment in new resources. Before using these techniques, it is necessary to understand the key causes of concern through a risk analysis. Based on the risk analysis, key issues were prioritized and recommendations were provided for each of them. From the given situation, it was obvious that there were multiple issues at multiple levels. The technique of risk analysis was chosen because it helped in looking a holistic picture of the situation at hand and it also helped in the identification of the areas of improvement regarding each of the issues identified (Slovic, 2000). The methodology of carrying out risk analysis was to find out the issues of concern and look at each individual issue in detail. 1. Safety Issues – With regards to maintenance and safety, the key recommendations is to outsource maintenance to contractors who would do period checks to ensure that there is no flooding or electrical short circuits. Outsourcing to a vendor can put service level agreements in place and hence, would ensure a higher level of maintenance. In addition, the outsourced vendors would be experts in the particular domains and hence, would be able to provide a service that is of much higher standard when compared to the in-house workers. In a building, that involves a considerable movement of people, safety and maintenance is of prime importance as security and maintenance lapses drive the crowd away (Schrader, 1992). Apart from outsourcing the safety maintenance, another aspect that could have been considered was consultation from an architect who can provide a long-term solution in terms of flooding or seepages. There could be some financial investment involved initially, however during the later stages, there would be benefits as regular costs would reduce considerably. 2. Organization and Management – Through analysis, it was found out that the management did not have a proper structure and there was no motivation factor present. For any organization, however big or small it may be, it is necessary to have a very good organization structure so that at any given point, accountability of issues is possible. The recommendation was to organize an event that would help in motivating the staff and reorganizing the staff within the departments. However, it is important to understand that motivation among the staff does not happen with just an event, it is an ongoing process (Weightman, 2008). In addition, a simple reorganizing the staff would not be a long-term solution. Instead, having a proper organizing structure in place is highly recommended. The structure should be designed in such a way that accountable individuals take each aspect related to the Penine Center. A proper structure would also prove to be a motivation to the staff. 3. Retail Outlets leaving - The retail outlets in the Penine center were leaving because of di ssatisfaction. This could be due to many other reasons such as safety as well as transportation. The main reason why retail outlets leave any commercial complex is when they do not get a steady flow of customers so that they make profit out of the enterprise. The recommendation was to meet with the owners of the retail outlet and persuade them to stay. Also, providing some incentives to help them with the current financial condition can prove to be helpful in retaining them in the Penine Center.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Supply Chain Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Supply Chain - Case Study Example There are crucial stakeholders representing diverse interests within companies, but equally important, there are also numerous stakeholders outside as well who include suppliers and primary producers of raw materials. To sustainably remain in business, companies must address potential risks facing both internal and external stakeholders, and supply chain ethics form a critical aspect of this component (Mills, Schmitz & Frizelle 2004, p. 1021). Compliance practices, ethics and culture of the entire supply chain members must be examined and addressed to reduce risks. This paper will examine Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s case study and determine its and its suppliers’ supply chain and business risks in the event of their unethical behaviour as well as strategic advantages to suppliers and customers when they embrace ethical practices. Consumers, business partners, investors, media organisations and regulators all expect businesses and their supply chains to demonstrate high standards of ethical behaviour (Coughlan 2005, p. 49). Ethical scandals generated by suppliers are probably the least foreseen and biggest risks businesses face in the modern world. In view of this, Nestlà © understands the potential damage that can be suffered when the risks materialise and, hence, has adopted protective measures in the form of social corporate responsibility (SCR). In this sense, the company extends its culture beyond internal control to ensure its policies and principles are concerned with the activities of suppliers and consumers and practices of labour and human rights. The environment also forms a key area of concern. The underlying significance of this approach is that it creates new and shared value for both shareholders and society through a strategic partnership with customers, suppliers and distributors in areas wh ere Nestlà © can have the greatest

Saturday, November 16, 2019

International Marketing Essay Example for Free

International Marketing Essay UK is one of the major centers for commerce and international business in the world. It is one country that has had to raise its economy through free trade and other business related portfolios. It later developed to principles of liberalization of international trade and investments in order for it to expand and grow especially in the 20th century. It has been able to attract large investments from multinational countries in order to meet the demand for the larger British population thereby minimizing unemployment rates. This paper will therefore examine the investment opportunities and challenges in UK (Office for National Statistics, UK 2006). Foreign investments Opportunities The UK has very many opportunities in terms of foreign investments. It is one of the fifth largest economies in the world and second in the European Union. The country’s capital, which is London, is considered a haven of investments especially in the financial sector. The country has a GDP of $ 2. 1 trillion and a GDP growth rate of 2 %. (2007 estimates). Most of the opportunities lie in the service sector (Office for National Statistics, UK 2006) Industries UK has very many industries that can be invested in by any foreign country and the major ones are; agriculture, telecommunications, manufacture, fishing and tourism. The UK is one of the leading countries in agricultural exports and this is the main driving force for its economy. (Bailey, 1999) International trade statistics Major exports The dollar value for most of the export trading has been improving due to increase in demand for exports going by recent statistics on total exports from the UK. The trend however has been found to be fluctuating and that it depends on other factors such as; political stability, foreign policies etc. (Office for National Statistics, UK 2006) The major exports the country has been undertaking are the agricultural produce; wheat, rice, maize and tea. In the manufacturing the sector, the country exports agricultural machinery such the tractors and its implements, food, tobacco, paper, printing, textiles, paper and publishing. In the service sector, the country has developed high-tech networks in the telecommunications industry. The leading company in this sector is Vodafone and it has also gone global in its service provision. Major imports The major imports that are imported to the country include automobiles, horticultural produce, tea, coffee, and oil. The dollar value for most of the imports is low as the demand for the products reduces in the country. The dollar value increases when oil products become scarce due to international demand. (Bailey, 1999) Balance of payments situation According to the Office of National statistics, the manufacturing industry accounted for approximately 19% of all the national output in UK last year and also made up to 16% of all the employment in the country. The British economy does not however depend entirely on this and it may decline in the next two to three decades. Other industries are coming up especially the service sectors with a view to balance payments situation in regard to treasury bills. (Office for National Statistics, UK 2006) Exchange rates Exchange rates in the UK have been changing since the year 1999 and today, the exchange rates are way below the 0. 54 mark. This can be attributed to the changing events of the decade and globalization (Bailey, 1999). The following table shows the changing exchange rates-over the counter- for the Sterling pound, Euros and the dollars. Year ? /USD USD/? ?/EUR EUR/? 2005 ? 0. 5500 $1. 821 ? 0. 6842 â‚ ¬1. 463 2006 ? 0. 5426 $1. 859 ? 0. 6815 â‚ ¬1. 467 Source: Office for National Statistics, UK 2006 Trade restrictions 1. Embargoes Embargoes are political trade tools that are put by trading bodies or governments in order to support a justified peace process. Trade embargoes in the UK has been used to support either the EU or the UN in order to deny individuals the opportunity to use money from international trade in buying weapons of mass destruction. This will be used for the purpose of containing retrogressive countries the financial capability to use trading activities for insecurity purposes. Such countries which have been blacklisted by the UK include; Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Zimbabwe etc. (Neid, 1988) 2. Quotas Tradable quotas are policy instruments aimed at restraining trade of certain commodities in the UK. Limiting the production or importation of non-environmentally friendly automobiles can reduce taking for example greenhouse gases. The UK has been able to meet its environmental objective through the implementation of quotas systems. (Neid, 1988) 3. Import taxes Import taxes are designed to protect local industries from international competitors who may be financially stronger than them. This strategy has been utilized by the UK in order to protect vulnerable sectors of its economy. Although it allows importation of textiles, the country charges high import taxes on all unprocessed hides and skins to protect its local industries. (Lawrence, 2002) 4. Tariffs Trade tariffs are the main hindrance to trading between two countries. These trade tariffs depend with policies formulated by individual countries concerning how the countries wish to conduct its trading. The United Kingdom has however developed a smooth and business free environment for most countries in Africa, Asia and the U. S. this has made investment more conducive for many multinational firms. (Neid, 1988) 5. Licensing Licensing is one of the techniques used to promote international trading. The UK has been able to utilize licensing agreements with other international firms to boost its trading. The country has also been able to license many international firms to operate in the country as a means of encouraging investments. (Lawrence, 2002) 6. Custom duties Custom duties are one of the main sources misunderstandings between countries due to the fact that they favor the home-based industries. Custom duties are usually employed by the government top curb influx of external products into the country. The UK has been able to utilize this remedy effectively especially in sectors which the government feels threatened such as energy, education, transport and manufacturing. (Bailey, 1999) Extend of economic activity not included in cash income transactions The extent, to which other economic activities which does not include cash income transactions, is not wide and especially that the economy is entirely dependent on two core industries. I. e. service and manufacturing. The rest which may not involve cash transactions. (Neid, 1988) Counter trades The UK has used counter trade strategies to improve their international presence in almost all its sectors. Counter trades function effectively when the trading countries agree on issues such as import duties, taxes and tariffs (Bailey, 1999). Labour force The UK labor force currently stands at 31 million going by 2007 statistics. Majority of this labor force are concentrated in the private sector and some of them in the public sector. Most of the employees in sectors such as the health sector may have been imported to the country to serve as nurse this has been caused by the worldwide shortage of the same. The unemployment rates in UK currently stand at 5. 4 %( 2007 estimates) most of whom are fresh graduates and the poorly educated young men and women in the country. (Office for National Statistics, UK 2006) Inflation rates The inflation rate for the UK as at 31st December, 2006, was 2. 3% and a poverty rate of 17 % by then. The inflation however, fluctuates depending on the economic situation of the country (Office for National Statistics, UK 2006) Developments in science and technology UK is one of the European counties which have invested heavily on innovation and technology. Almost all sectors of its economy are coping up with changes in technology. The country is using technology as means of out-competing its competitors in the manufacturing and service sectors. That is why most firms in the country are investing in research and development. The government has been able to utilize 5. 4 % of the GNP on RD in the last fiscal year ending March 31, 2007. The technological skills of the current labor force in the UK can be rated good depending on which sector one is referring to. With reasonable levels of literacy (79% at the moment), the country’s population can improve. (Office for National Statistics, UK 2006) Conclusion There is a team of science and technology promoters under the department of UK Trade and Investment whose role is to help firms realize their international potential through partnership support and knowledge transfer. It mainly enhances competitiveness of companies trading in the UK and also those involved in international trade. The UK has been able to attract high quality foreign direct investments through this department which offers guidance and direction including available opportunities and marketing. References Bailey, M.(1999): Exchange rate trends and trade performance; Waldwick Archive, Vol 12 Ferguson, N (2004): Empire, The rise and demise of the British world order and the lessons for global investments. Basic Books, Oxford, p 90 Lawrence H. (2002): Exchange rate between the United States dollar and forty other countries and its effects on investment, Macmillan, Washington. P 34-40 Neid H. (1988): Multinational investment strategies in British Isles, Routlegde, UK. P 122-131 Office for National Statistics (UK 2006): The Official Yearbook of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. P 45-57

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Moral Lessons of Shakespeares Macbeth :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Moral Lessons of Macbeth "Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't." (Shakespeare 1.5. 64-66) Throughout Shakespeare's Macbeth, things are not always as they seem. Deception in this play is always present, especially with the main characters - Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is the most skilled at persuading others, especially her husband, into believe things that are not true. The above quote, spoken by Lady Macbeth to her husband, shows exactly how manipulative and deceiving she can be. She is telling Macbeth to look and act pure, but to be evil inside. Macbeth, evidently led by his wife, but also by his own ambitions, is likewise guilty of deception. He deceives his best friend Banquo, King Duncan, as well as his public. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth also try to use denial and rationalization to deceive themselves. This self-deception leads to grave circumstances for them both. Macbeth is forced into further and further lies, making life difficult and u nbearable. Lady Macbeth is also caught in the depths of deception and eventually kills herself. Therefore, it is obvious that the main characters of Shakespeare's Macbeth are all negatively affected by the recurring theme of deception. Throughout the play, Lady Macbeth uses her ability to mislead others in many ways. First of all, she decides to use deception to push her husband's ambition to be king. ...Hie thee hither, that I may pour my spirits in thine ear, and chastise with the valour of my tongue all that impedes thee from the golden round...(1.5.25-28) Lady Macbeth believes that, to be successful in his ambitions, Macbeth must rise above his goodness and accept her evil ways. She knows that the process of making her husband believe what she wants may not be easy. Lady Macbeth has to be cunning, and she is up for the challenge. The thought of being in power - the King and Queen of Scotland - drives her and she cannot be stopped. Lady Macbeth often has to reinforce her immoral beliefs to her husband, giving him a boost. Was the hope drunk, wherein you dressed yourself? hath it slept since, and wakes it now, to look so green and pale at what it did so freely? From this time such I account thy love.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Dickens’ Views on the French Revolution

Dickens' views on The French Revolution Revolutions have occurred since the first oppressed people got fed up with a tyrannical leader. It has been the cry of the downtrodden since the beginning of time. Revolution is a word that symbolizes hope for a better future. It can be a dangerous thing because if not successful life for the common people might get worse than it originally was. Even if successful the new leaders can be as bad as those preceding. Dickens captures the essence of a revolution gone bad in his novel A Tale Of Two Cities.The intent of this short essay is to discuss and analyze Dickens' treatment of the theme of revolution in A Tale of Two Cities. It will attempt to show you how Dickens changes his mind midway through the novel about whether or not the revolutionaries in France are better than their aristocratic predecessors. When the novel first journeyed into France, it was to a poor district in Paris by the name of St. Antonie. A barrel of wine had fallen from the back of a cart in front of a small wine shop owned by a monsieur Defarge. People from all around rushed to see what had happened.The people were so poor that the very chance to drink wine, even off the dirty street was too tempting to pass up. They drank out of cupped hands and even went as far as to squeeze wine from a rag into an infant's mouth. Their hands were stained red by the wine. It is a pitiful and prophetic scene. It is prophetic in that later these same poor peasants whose hands are stained red with wine will have them stained red with the blood of the nobility, and the streets will run with the blood of a revolution as it does with the wine.The revolution in France is necessary for the good of the people and Dickens seems to be right behind the peasants. His views are expressed most clearly when he shows how uncaring the aristocrats were to the plight of the common people. A specific point of this is when he had the Marque de Evremonde say, after running over a small c hild, â€Å"It is extraordinary that you people cannot take care of yourselves or your children†¦ How do I know what injury you have done my horses. † (A Tale of Two Cities 112) Judging from how the aristocrat is portrayed, Dickens continues to support he peasants right up to the beginning of the revolution. Dicken's sympathies shifts rather quickly from the mob of French patriot revolutionaries to the plight of the aristocrats and their families. In the time before the revolution any noble could have any commoner thrown in jail without reason or a trial, just on a suspicion, as was done to Dr. Manette by the Evremonde brothers. This did change after the revolution, when any person at all could be thrown in jail with a good chance of execution by La Guillotine for any reason at all.The aristocrats in particular had no chance at all, as is shown by this quote, â€Å"Let him be, he will be judged in Paris. † The response being â€Å"Judged, ay! , and condemned as a traitor. † (A Tale of Two Cities 259) Dickens has no love for the mob either. While describing their wild dancing and singing and murder in the streets, he does not speak as if he holds them in high regard. In one case in particular, he seems to really despise their actions and speaks out against them through the rational voice of the narrator, â€Å"There were no fewer than five hundred people, and they were dancing like five thousand demons. (A Tale of Two Cities 290) In closing, I reiterate the thesis statement, that things did not improve and in some cases got worse than before. In the long run it was best for the French people as a whole but Dickens is right when he implies that the French Revolutionary mob was composed mainly of animals like Madame Defarge whose interests lay with revenge rather than the improvement as a whole of their society. While it lasted, the French Revolution was one of the most barbaric periods in the history of the world.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Female Gender Stereotypes in Color: What They Are, How They Came About and What They Mean

Robert Pietrzak2/27/13 Outline 1 Introduction a The purpose of this investigation is to understand what are the color stereotypes for females, how they contrast with color stereotypes for males, how these stereotypes have come about and how they are reinforced. 2 Body 1: b discuss what is currently accepted as â€Å"femanine colors/femanine quality of colors† c lean more towards the quality of color: how the color is softer, lighter, with more variety of shade. the reason for this could be due to scientific reasons. d Femanine colors are generally seen as softer, lighter, more variety in shade. A possible reason for this characterization could be due to how the perception of color is different for females than it is for males. females have a wider range of color perception than males. (refer to diagram) (females can more easily percieve more subtle shades of color than males can. because of this refinement these kinds of â€Å"softer colors† with â€Å"off-primary shad es† are precieved as more femanine like. this scientific reason could be why colors are precieved this way. e why have these qualities been ascribed to females 3 Body 2 Contrasting evidence also suggests that certain femanine colors are seen this way due to baby gender identification and due to advertsing g Advertising: strong evidence suggests that advertising plays a large role in determining these kinds of color stereotyping. ii show articles displaying this kind of advertising. iii explain that in the past color stereotypes were actually reversed: pink was considered a boys color and blue was considered a girl color. iv when advertisers changed their minds about this stereotyping in the 1920s people began to dress differently.This mindset has continued into today. But this change in thought suggests that advertising plays a significant role in what people consider a â€Å"boy’s color† and a â€Å"girls color† Robert Pietrzak2/27/13 Female Gender Stereo types in color: What they are, how they came about and what they mean. There have been a of scientific studies that have looked for how gender affects color disposition and how colors relate to gender. While they have looked at different factors and come to different conclusions, there has been a consensus that color stereotypes exist and for females differ from those of men.These can be attributed to physiological color dispositions that differ between genders due to evolutionary reasons. While there may be a color disposition the existance of stereotypes have its roots in other factors such as the influence of media upon what is accepted as a stereotype, the actions of gender identification by consumers, and the influence of gender disposition from a young age. In their preliminary research Hurbert and Ling stated that within the â€Å"long history of color preference studeis†¦ here is a definite predisposition for certain colors that differs across genders† (Hurlbert and Ling). Hurlbert and Ling were two social scientists that attempted to more accurately determine what these color dispositions were. They conducted a multi-step experiment to try to find out what kinds of colors were favored by males and females. They found that females prefered soft, bright colors such as pink, yellow, and purple. Males prefered darker, harder colors such as red, blue, and green. Females additionally gravitated towards more non-primary colors with variety in shade than males (Hurbert and Ling).This disposition was attributed to a physiological reason: that it has to do with how the two genders perceive color differently. Females are able to better detect and identify a more wide range of colors than males can. Due to this they gravitate towards colors with more variety than males do. (Hurbert and Ling) Additionally it was suggested in their research that females possibly have this color disposition due to evolutionary reasons. Females, being the primary caregive rs, needed to be able to detect if their was something wrong with her baby by detecting hues of red better than males do (Hurbert and Ling).Additionally society for humans was originally set up as hunter gatherers. Due to this females were given the role of gathering while the males hunted. Being able to pick up on a variety of soft, bright hues could possibly have helped with gathering berries and other foods in the wild (Hurlbert and Ling). Other research has looked at the issue from a different angle: if color is associated with gender stereotypes. Most color studies have looked towards the stereotype of â€Å"pink being a girl’s color and blue being a boy’s color†. (Hurbert and Ling).This stereotype is seen in many examples of advertising. Paoletti gives many examples of this in her novel. One such example is a big magazine article labeled for â€Å"babies† that only sells clothes in pink and blue for the respective genders. She states that advertiser s stressed that new born boys â€Å"be given blue shirts, hats, cribs, etc. † while girls were to be dressed in pink (Paoletti). Especially prevalent in the baby boomer generation, pink was predominantly used with girls associated with feminine qualities and is given this characteristic in modern day society. DeLoache and LoBlue). A recent study done by Andree Pomerleau, Daniel Bolduc, Gerard Malcuit, and Louise Cossette discusses how from a very early age there are drastic color differences between the two genders that stay relatively constant for their early years of development: â€Å"Girls†¦ wore pink and multicolored clothes more often, had more pink pacifiers and jewelry. Boys wore more blue, red and white clothing. They had more blue pacifiers. Yellow bedding was more frequently observed in the girls' rooms, while blue bedding and curtains were more prevalent in the boys' rooms.Women were the predominant providers of toys for children. It thus seems that, nowaday s, very early in their development, girls and boys already experience environments which are dissimilar. † Brooks also states that this color stereotype is attributed to the influence of the media upon the population (Brooks). However this has not always been the case. In fact this stereotype used to be completely flipped around. In the Early 1900s pink was actually considered a masculine color while blue was considered feminine. Paoletti†¦has documented that the North American tradition of dressing infant boys in blue and infant girls in pink began the 1920s. Prior to that decade, Paoletti†¦noted that the sex-dimorphic color coding of pink and blue was inverted, i. e. , infant boys were dressed in pink and infant girls were dressed in blue†¦. At one point, pink was considered more of a boy’s color, as a watered-down, bold, dramatic red, which is a fierce color. Instead, blue was considered more for girls. † (Del Giudice) David Brooks highlights thi s by quoting a 1918 article in Ladies Home Journal.It advised: â€Å"The generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls. The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl. † (Brooks) This trend began to change around the 1920s. As portrayed in a Time Magazine chart, advertisers in this time period began to change what was an accepted â€Å"girl† color and â€Å"boy† color through their advertising (Advertiser Advocation for Different Color Stereotypes in 1927).Jo Paolettti points out in her research that these influences were picked up by the baby boomer generation in response to continued media advertisement. The research does not necessarily answer why the media reversed this stereotype but it does show the power media has upon accepted stereotypes, public thought, and accepted social norms. It was able to completely rever se and change an accepted stereotype in the public mind simply through its influence. Additional research into the subject of media and color genderization has found that color stereotypes are additionally reinforced by social means.Jo Paoletti explains in her book how the prevalence of this media influence was strengthened by a desire to be able to tell the gender apart from another child to be an expectation as to what the child should wear and what people should buy for the child. People would go out and buy gender oriented clothing for the new baby. The new baby would then wear this gifted clothing further cementing the stereotype (Paoletti). Different research has looked into this issue from a social standpoint but looking towards how gender conflict can influence and support accepted stereotypes.LoBlue and DeLoache conducted a large cross sectional study which contained children aged 7 months to 5 years. The Children â€Å"were offered eight pairs of objects and asked to choo se one. In every pair, one of the objects was always pink. By the age of 2, girls chose pink objects more often than boys did, and by the age of 2. 5, they had a significant preference for the colour pink over other colours. At the same time, boys showed an increasing avoidance of pink. † The researchers were especially fascinated with was the avoidance of pink by the boys. They concluded that â€Å"†¦ hese results thus reveal that sex differences in young children’s preference for the colour pink involves both an increasing attraction to pink by young girls and a growing avoidance of pink by boys. † As both genders gravitate towards their gender stereotyped color avoidance had just as big of an impact as the stereotype does. As girls associate with pink, the boys feel pressured by themselves to not associate with pink, thus propagating the stereotype. (LoBlue and DeLoache). This highlights how powerful gender â€Å"conflict† that occurs at a young ag e can influence and propagate gender stereotypization.Female color stereotypization can be attributed to multiple possible sources and comes about for different possible reasons. A scientific reason as to why some color qualities are perceived as more feminine could be due to how females and males perceive color. On the other hand additional color stereotypes came about as the result of advertising and the influence of the media upon public opinion. This influence would be strengthened if the color genderization before the 1920s was different than what it currently is today.This would suggest, according to Paoletti, that the media have a profound, changeable effect on what the public stereotypization encompasses. However the changability of this stereotype could also highlight something else. David Brooks states in his article that this shift could also highlight the weakness such stereotypes have and how subject to change they could have: â€Å"The fascinating thing is how slipper y the color-gender link is. It seems so hard-wired, but the link between pink and femininity may be just a cultural construct. The LoBlue and DeLoache research offers another possible conclusion: that the existence of such stereotypes creates tendencies within populations to follow those stereotypes which in turn strengthen the stereotype itself through psychosocial means. Works Cited 1 Brooks, David. â€Å"Pink and Blue. † New York Times Blogs. New York Times, 22 Apr. 2011. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. . 2 Paoletti, Jo Barraclough. Pink and Blue: Telling the Boys from the Girls in America. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2012. Print. 3 LoBue, Vanessa and Judy S.DeLoache. â€Å"Pretty In Pink: The Early Development Of Gender-Stereotyped Colour Preferences. † British Journal Of Developmental Psychology 29. 3 (2011): 656-667. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. 4 Del Giudice, Marco. â€Å"The Twentieth Century Reversal Of Pink-Blue Gender Coding: A Scientific Urban Legend?. â₠¬  Archives Of Sexual Behavior 41. 6 (2012): 1321-1323. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. 5 Pomerleau, Andree, Daniel Bolduc, and et al. â€Å"Pink Or Blue: Environmental Gender Stereotypes in the First Two Years of Life. † Sex Roles 22. 5-6 (1990): 359-.ProQuest Education Journals; ProQuest Psychology Journals; ProQuest Social Science Journals. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. 6 Advertiser Advocation for Different Color Stereotypes in 1927. † Chart. Time Magazine. N. p. : n. p. , n. d. N. pag. Pink Is for Boys. 11 Nov. 1927. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. 7 Anya C. Hurlbert, Yazhu Ling. â€Å"Biological components of sex differences in color preference†. Print. Current Biology, 17. 16 (2007), Pages R623-R625. (http://www. sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S096098220701559X) Thurs. 21 March 2012

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Project plan Emirates airline and fly Dubai

Project plan Emirates airline and fly Dubai Executive summary Emirates airline and Fly Dubai provides flight services from the United Arab Emirates to different parts of the world. Fly Dubai is a low-cost airline based in Dubai and provides flights to other destinations. It is rapidly expanding its operations in getting into the international scene. The airline connects with the Emirates airlines to provide flights for the Emirates customers to destinations not served by the Emirates.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Project plan: Emirates airline and fly Dubai specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The airlines have purposed to renovate one of the terminals of the Dubai international airport to improve on the quality of their services. The intended project is a construction of a double perimeter fence all round the terminal. This will improve on the security at the airport leading to increased customer and employee satisfaction. More customers will be attracted to the services of the airline. Similarly, the employees will be motivated thereby improving on their output. As such, the project has objectives that are in line with the objectives of the different airlines. The perimeter-fencing project is divided into several activities ranging from the initial training on project management, through the construction processes to the final installation of CCTV. Each of these activities has an estimated duration. The whole project is intended to take ten months (about 40 weeks). The project will cost about Dh 100 million (equivalent to about $ 25 million). It is to be executed in the 2011/2012 financial year. The identification of the different activities involved in the project and the precedence relation is essential in ensuring that the project runs smoothly. A Gantt chart showing the start and finish time of each activity as well as their precedence relations will be use in monitoring the progress of the project. By examining the Gantt chart , activities critical to the project like conducting training, recruitment of professionals, excavation, and the construction of the concrete wall are identified. Much resource can then be channeled to these activities as opposed to the less critical ones to ensure that the project is completed in time. The success of the project will depend on the cooperation of the different individuals involved. Proper communication between the project stakeholders is essential in minimizing the risks involved in the project.Advertising Looking for assessment on project management? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Introduction Fly Dubai is an airline that was founded in 2008 to provide low-cost air transport services in the Middle East countries. The airline has its headquarters in Dubai, United Arabs Emirates. It started its flights operations in 2009 with a daily return flight between Dubai and Beirut (Flemming 2009). It was also intended to provide daily return flight between Dubai and Amman. The airline was expected to have rapid expansion and offer flights to the other countries in the Middle East, India, parts of Europe, and northern and East Africa (Flemming, 2009). In deed, the airline has had significant growth in its operations over the short period. As a step towards expansion of its operations, Fly Dubai often connect with Emirates airlines to provide flights to some areas that were not served by Emirates. The Emirates customers destined to regions like Djibouti and Alexandria can ‘connect through Dubai to and from an Emirates flight’ (Connecting with flydubai). In order to improve on its operations, Fly Dubai with the support of the Emirates airline has purposed to reconstruct the perimeter fence of the Dubai airport terminal 2, one of the terminals at the Dubai International Airport. Fly Dubai has concrete management team with professionals with modern technical skills.. The issue o f security is fundamental in different business and even non-profit organizations. Security becomes one of the key performance drivers in these organizations. Industrial and commercial organizations are more concerned with the security of their premises. One of the measures that can be taken to ensure security of these premises is perimeter fencing. Perimeter fencing can be ‘used very effectively to help with warehouse security, factories, schools, and car park security [whereas] electric powered fencing is important as perimeter security for military bases, power stations, prisons, and construction sites’ (Advanced Perimeter Systems Limited, 2011). CCTV surveillance is essential in detecting agents of a criminal or terrorist act that has occurred in a given situation. The airport has facilities that should be protected in much the same way as those in other business premises. Similarly, there is need to ensure that no criminal and terrorist acts are committed in the in ternational hub. This is achievable if proper screening is possible for thus entering the airport.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Project plan: Emirates airline and fly Dubai specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thus, the project that is to be considered in this case is perimeter fencing to ensure security in the airport. It will not only include the construction of a physical barrier around the airport but also an establishment of electric powered fence on the perimeter. The project will be accomplished by an installation of CCTV within and around the airport. The project plan Goals and objectives of the project The goals and the objectives of this project are strategically defined in line with the overall business goals and objectives of the organization. The organization is a provider of transport services to passengers and goods. Thus, it aims at increasing its market share by attracting and retaining many cli ents in order to ensure sustainability of its operations. In order to achieve this, the organization intends to provide high quality services to its customers. It also aims at providing a safe working environment for its employees. It is the need of the organization also to operate according to the legal provisions within the United Arabs Emirates and across the borders. An improvement on the airport facilities is one of the measures for ensuring that these business objectives are achieved. The perimeter fencing helps in preventing crimes and terrorist attacks thereby improving security at the airport. This is a busy airport serving several passengers and a number of air cargos with millions of tons of freight and mail. Proper perimeter fencing of the airport will improve on the international recognition of the facility. The airport is a source of employment for thousands of people and a key contributor towards economic development. The safety at the airport is thus very essential i n the local and international scene. High level of security in the airport will define the quality of services provided to the customers. More clients will be attracted to the services of organization thereby increasing the market share of the organization. This is in line with the business objectives. Assessment of the business case for the project Reasons for the project The perimeter-fencing project is important for a number of reasons. One reason of the perimeter fencing is enhancement of security (Free No-Hassle Estimate, 2011). The completion of the projects will ensure that only authorized genuine travelers are allowed into the airport. Another reason that is also related with security is the privacy of the airport.Advertising Looking for assessment on project management? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The airport is fenced to ensure privacy of some of the operations. Planning of crimes and other terrorist attacks can be minimized of some of the operations such as preparations for departure are kept private. This achieved through proper perimeter fencing. Perimeter fencing is also done for aesthetic purpose (Free No-Hassle Estimate, 2011). It is aimed at improving the physical attractiveness of the airport. The costs The project is projected to cost about Dh. 100million. The airport is intended to have a double fence, a concrete wall, and an electric powered chain link. The amount is subdivided to different activities within the project. This include purchase of construction materials for the concrete wall (Dh 30 million), payment of salaries and wages for the laborers during construction (Dh 24 million), purchase of materials and construction of electric fence (Dh 20 million) and installation of CCTV (Dh 20million). The remaining Dh 6million is left to cater for the emerging issu es during the execution of the whole project. Benefits of the project As has been stated, the project has certain benefits to the organization. It will save the organization the losses that are incurred due to crimes carried out in the airport. This initiative will also ensure compliance with legal provisions. As such, the organization is not bound to suffer other losses like fines by relevant regulatory agencies. The improved security and the attractiveness of the airport will attract more clients to the organization. This will increase the sales at the organization thereby ensuring sustainable operations. The improved working environment will also boost the morale of the airport workers who will in turn deliver their duties responsibly. This will improve on the total output of the organization. Thus, there is linkage between security at the airport, customer satisfaction, and employee satisfaction in the organization. Timescales The project will be implemented in the FY 2011/2012. The project is intended to take a period of about 10 months. However, the benefits of the projects will not be evidenced immediately after its completion. The improved sales and increased customer satisfaction will be evidenced at least a year after the completion of the project. Investment appraisal The organization could carry out, including forgoing the perimeter fencing completely, other alternative projects. It could employee security officers to patrol the areas surrounding the airport in order to detect and prevent intended terrorist attacks and other criminal acts. This is not only costly but also unreliable due to expanse of the surrounding geographical area. The intended project has to be beneficial to the organization. In deed, the perimeter-fencing project is among the most critical. It is estimated that rate of return on this will be about 40% annually. On the hand, the losses that can be associated with forgoing the projects are huge, irregular and may not be predicte d. Assumptions and constraints The business case is based on certain assumptions. Firstly, it is assumed that it is a legal requirement to fence facilities like airport. It is also assumed that the management of the organization is willing to implement the project given the necessary resources. It is also assumed that resources are available. However, the extent of the operations will be regulated by the scarcity of the available resources. The appropriate project planning and management tools The project can be easily managed if it is broken down into simpler subdivisions of project tasks termed as activities. The whole project is divided into two broad categories of activities corresponding to the construction of the two fences. The perimeter-fencing project starts with the construction of inner concrete wall. The activities corresponding to the construction outer fence begin after the trenches have been laid. It is important that the project should be completely exhausted so that all the tasks are included in some activity (Construction planning, n.d). Some of the activities that constitute the whole project have some relations. There are activities that have to be carried out before others can be initiated whereas other activities can be performed simultaneously. There are estimates for the duration to be taken by each of the activities that make up the project. Some activities may not have duration but have to be categorized as activities since the commencement of other activities will depend on them (Construction planning, n.d). There are activities whose start time or completion time can be delayed without affecting the completion time for the project. On the other hand, there activities whose start and finish time cannot be delayed without delaying the whole projects. These are termed as critical activities and a trade-off of resources can be carried out to ensure that there executions are not interrupted. It is important to identify such activities th at depend on the completion of other activities in the entire project chain without time floats. This is necessary to estimate the total project completion time. The project has been broken down to different activities. Some of the activities involve other separate tasks that have been grouped together. The activities involved in the project and their estimated durations in weeks are provided here below. Conducting training and education on project management to different personnel within the organization (3) Procurement of construction materials for the concrete wall (2) Recruitment of skilled professionals (4) Recruitment of unskilled laborers (3) General excavation and demolishing the existing fence (3) Excavation for the utility trenches (4) Construction of the wall (18) Procurement of the construction materials for the outer chain link fence (3) Placement of the framework for the fence (3) Construction of the fence (3) Installation of the electric powered fence above the chain link (2) Constructions of gates (6) Installation of CCTV (2) The above activities have precedence relations that can be defined as follows. The management of the projects will be accomplished by the personnel in the organization and not the hired professionals. It is then necessary to have the different individuals trained before the other activities of the projects can be carried out. Thus, activity A will be the predecessor of all the other activities in the project. Activities B, C, and D can all be done simultaneously after A. Activity E can only be performed after C and D are accomplished since the excavation will require both skilled and unskilled laborers. The excavation for utility trenches (activity F) then follows activity E. The activity G involves the construction of the concrete wall as well as making installations like lighting system. Activities H and I can be performed simultaneously after the completion of activity F (Excavation for the utility trenches). The comp letion of both activities is necessary for the commencement of activity J. Gates will be constructed corresponding to the two layers of fences. Thus, the commencement of activity K has to follow the completion of the activities G and J. the last activity in the project will the installation of CCTV (activity M). Monitoring and control of the project A critical path analysis of the network developed by the above activities indicates that the activities A, C, E, F, G, L, and M fall on the critical paths and the total estimated completion time for the project is 40 weeks. The available resources will be channeled more towards these crucial activities in order to ensure that the set duration of ten months is not exceeded. Some of the have floats and can be delayed for sometime without delaying the whole project. For instance, the start of activity B can be delayed by a maximum of two weeks without affecting the successive projects. Activity D may also be delayed by one week without affe cting activity E. The floats will enable the monitoring and evaluating team to allocate much resource like human hour on the crucial activity to improve the completion time for the project. To monitor the progress of the activities, a Gantt chart will be helpful in providing a visual impression of the activities that should have been performed at a given time (GANTTCHARTS, 2011). The Gantt chart indicates the activities that can be delayed without affecting the project completion time. It shows the starting dates and expected completion dates of the activities (Ganttcharts, 2011). The Gant chart will also indicate the dependency between different activities in the whole project (Sodipo, 2008, p.158). It is then possible to crass the project depending on the resources available. This involves performing a trade-off between time and the available resources until it is uneconomical to reduce further the duration. Managing risks The project may fail to be implemented even if the resourc es are available. This happens since the different stages of the project from its definition and diagnosis to the implementation and final usage involve different individuals. Different levels of stakeholders exist in the process of executing the project. This includes the primary stakeholders, secondary stakeholders and the peripheral stakeholders. Some failures may occur due to a misunderstanding among different stakeholders. This misunderstanding is in turn caused by poor and untimely communication between the key stakeholders. The failures may be minimized through proper identification of the objectives of a given project and the key stakeholders of the project. In this case, an effective means of communication is then identified that ensure a common understanding of the project and its objectives by all the concerned personnel. The timely communication will enable the concerned individuals to provide their opinions concerning the intended project. It will be possible to learn a bout the opinions that are opposed to the project. The conflicting issues that arise may be ironed in time in favor of the project. The different individuals concerned with this particular project have been identified. The different boards have an effective communication with each other and the arising issues can be tackled easily. Failures are also avoided by allocating the responsibilities to the right individuals. Most of the activities involved in this project require expertise in the relevant areas. Proper care will be taken to ensure that the right professionals and skilled workers are hired to carry out such activities. The human resource section in conjunction with the IT Project manager will be responsible for the recruitment of the right professionals for the different assignment. Conclusion The importance of this project for improved operations at the airport is evidenced. The success of the project will depend on the cooperation of all the stakeholders involved in the pr oject. Proper communication of the intended projects to the various stakeholders is essential in ensuring its success. There is need to have a proper coordination of all the activities involved in the organization. Much attention should be given to the critical activities that have been identified in the project. It is also important to examine the previous projects that had been carried out and the challenges that were faced. The failures for this project can be anticipated from the failures that have been experienced in the other projects that have been carried out by the organization. Reference List Advanced Perimeter Systems Limited. 2011. Perimeter Fencing, Electric Perimeter Fencing, Perimeter Management CCTV. Web. Available from: . Connecting with flydubai. 2011. Emirates can now provide through connections to selected flydubai destinations. Available from Construction planning. N.d. Defining precedence relationship among activities. Web. Available from: . Flemming, A., 2009. Fly Dubai Low Cost Airlines Information for Fly Dubai. Available from Free No-Hassle Estimate. 2011. Perimeter fencing. Web. Available from: . Ganttcharts. 2011. About Gantt charts. Web. Available from: . Sodipo, E., 2008. Project Management Explained. NY:

Monday, November 4, 2019

Sales Force Compensation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Sales Force Compensation - Assignment Example The company deals in beauty, fashion Jewelry and apparel. It has one of the largest salespeople in the world approximated at 6.5 million. The company has over 120 years in the industry with a strong financial background and resources to pull its operations. With a clear, well structured, multi-level compensation plan, the company has continued to attract and retain its salespeople making it a highly competitive firm. In order to motivate the sales force to produce the highest number of clients, describe six (6) features of an effective total rewards program. Rewards for many decades have been used primarily as a necessary evil in the attraction and retention of employees. However many studies suggest that there is no direct link between rewards and employee performance although research shows that the absence of it demotivates employees (Robillard, 2008: O'Halloran, 2012). This has thus led to the need to implement total rewards strategy that could be used to drive business success. Such a program could be used by the organization in addressing some of the challenging issues in the 21st century such as aging workforce, competition in the market place, influence of globalization on firms and the need to operate effectively in different business strategies such as in mergers and acquisitions (Armstrong, 2010). A total rewards program includes the overall value proposition that a firm provides to its employees. Such a package includes compensation which includes: basic pay, short term incentives and long term incentives; benefits which include health, retirement, work/life benefits; and careers which include such things as training and development, lateral moves, stretch assignments and career incentives (Manas & Graham, 2003). An effective total reward system has the following key features: first it has a mix of both monetary and non-monetary rewards (Asinof, 2006). The monetary rewards include compensation in the form of base pay, overtime pay, short term and lo ng term incentives, cash profit sharing, bonuses, commissions among others. The non-monetary rewards include such things as benefits which entail health and group benefits, retirement, paid off, work/ life programs, death benefits and prerequisites (Moynihan & Wells, 2011). Secondly, such a strategy must be aligned to the business strategy of the organization. Depending on the nature of the business strategy adopted by the organization, the strategy should be effective. A reward strategy has the power of minimizing on driving organizational performance and thus an effective total reward strategy must be able to support the overall business strategy to ensure performance. Third, such a strategy must match organizational resources and capabilities. It would be ineffective to design a total reward strategy which is overboard and which organizational resources cannot support. It would also be demeaning and inappropriate to have a strategy that is below what the organization can offer in terms of financial resources and capabilities. Fourth, an effective strategy is one that delivers rewards that drive specific behaviors necessary to achieve organizational objectives (Zingheim & Schuster, 2004). If for example, Avon Products, Inc. has a target of selling one million cosmetic products in one month, the reward strategy should be designed such that it motivates the salespeople to find clients. This could be through bonuses, incentives or a paid holiday trip! This communicates something to

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Primary and Secondary Sources Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Primary and Secondary Sources - Coursework Example It is the strongest source identified. The agreement represented the actual plans and activities of United States government and her allies on the World War II. It is a strong source written by an important agent in the war. Nevertheless, it just provides the final copy of the agreement. The author wrote several articles as the wars progressed. It stated the way the Prime Minister of Britain announced the war against Germany on September 3, at 11: 15 AM. The article is unedited and represents a very strong source. However, the copy obtained was not original and published on eyewitness online source. A very credible source written in 1943 as the war progressed. It covers the Japan plan to evacuate its soldiers from regions occupied. The US, army wrote the report and it may contain elements of bias. Albert wrote the letter to Franklin on the plan to use uranium in the war. The copy of the original letter obtained contained actual communication and it is not biased. Nonetheless, Albert wrote the letter three years before the actual use of the atomic bomb. New Yorker magazine first published the interview with Hallock. He described the use of B-17 planes in the war against Germany. It a very strong source because Hallocck took part in the bombing against Germany as a lieutenant. Nevertheless, the writings were not obtained in the original source. The book critically links the way the World War II generated from the results of World War I. It also covers all the activities carried out by all the continents in the World War II. The coverage of the events of World War II is more comprehensive. The book incorporates the elements of religion during and after the Second World War. It explores the structure of religion during the World War II. Wuthnow also shows the changes that occurred after the war. It incorporates a very important element in the